Friday, July 07, 2006

Have just finished reading "Breaking Open the Head", by Daniel Pinchbeck. He started a journey as a result of having internalized the modern scientific view of a world lacking a sacred or transcendent dimension."

After seeing "What the Bleep...", after experiencing the death of family members, after connecting with others with psychic abilities, after reading from authors with supposed knowledge from other "realms" (e.g. "Seth", "Abraham" series, Pinchbeck) I have begun a journey towards a different kind of understanding of the world around me - both physical and metaphysical. So far, this journey has produced little in the way of answers, but a wealth of interesting questions. So many disparate sources have been pointing to the "thought creates reality" paradigm.

From "What the Bleep do we Know?" (via Daniel Pinchbeck at

Amit Goswami had a lot of interesting commentary in this film: "Everything in the material world around us are just possible movements of consciousness, and you choose moment to moment out of those movements to bring your actual experience into manifestation - this is the only radical thinking you need to do. It's not easy because of our conditioning (that the world is already out there, independent of our experience) IT'S NOT - Quantum Physics has been so clear about this. Atoms are not things, they are only tendencies. Instead of thinking about things, think of possibilities. Possibilities of consciousness."

Others have argued that the rules being discussed are applicable only at the subatomic level, and can't apply to the macrocosm, but to disregard the possibility is suicidal.


thehealingroom said...

I enjoyed What the Bleep as well.

I think there is evidence all around us to support the idea of atoms as tendencies.

Check out the blog, One Red Paperclip!
He just traded his red paperclip through a series of upgraded trades until a couple of days ago a town in Saskatchewan just traded him a HOUSE.

A true story (Canadian too!)

If I knew how to post a link to his site, I would. However. I have a link on my blog if you want to go there.

Candy Minx said...

That is a very good example of tendancies and why we should look at imagination and ideas as potential realities. I tend to live in my imagination anyways...and it goes back and forth. Sci-fi has often predicted advancements in space travel and physics...even Stephen Hawking talks about this in his Brief History of Time book.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »