Thursday, May 11, 2006

I was reading about the Kogi people of the Amazon ("One River' by Wade Davis) and was struck by the fact that the same word means 'vagina' and 'dawn' in their language. Not that the same word has two meanings...the same meaning is applied to both ideas.
This association presented such an intense connection with "all that is" to me -in contrast to how I pass most of my days using terms and working within paradigms that isolate and disconnnect. I rarely consider life as beginning prior to the actual birth of the child - while this assocciation between ideas takes the birth process back to initial conception, the point at which light has been present and a sliver of star, the giver of all life, appears on the horizon - the universe conspires to create. If I try to embed this association into my perception, it provides a remarkably different, more intense and beautiful, view of all women.

1 comment:

Candy Minx said...

Oh Jeez, I spent last week going through One River trying to find the group that has the same name for dawn as vagina. Whew, good thing you're out here, I was going crazy! And what is weird is I have a weird memory thing where I can find things in books because I know where they are on the page and what slipped from me thoguh this time. I believe they stayup all night to see the dawn right? And what made sense to me is the SHAPE of the sun coming up. If I could, I would draw it right now, but it is like an opening an the "logic" is there in the same word as well as birth of a new to go find that "passage" in the book. thanks!