Given the recent trend to seek out corporate sponsorship from major construction projects, it seems only a matter of time before we rename the province according to the wishes of the corporate benefactors that will swoop down and save us all from recession when the rights to all of our natural resources have long been squandered. If it works for large sports facilities and other public buildings, why not the whole damn province?
Public-private partnerships (P3s) really need to go the next level - think outside the building.
• "Disney North" comes to mind immediately (perhaps they could throw a "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction into the Disney Line a.k.a.Canada Line tunnel before they cover it up)
• "Telus World at Telusopia" seems wordy in the beginning, but we'd get used to it if they just ignored us. Plus it makes for an easy acronym to work with.
• major US automakers are out of the picture due to impending financial ruin, but we could look to Asia. There is already a Toyota City, so, again, the next step seems natural - Toyota Spirit Park? Kia Land?
It's bound to happen sooner or later. I say we make the change now! But not in the form of corporate branding. 'British Columbia' is a sorry reference to a sorry past that does not in the least reflect the present make-up of our population or our place in world. Why?
Firstly, the 'British' part. It links us to a once-mighty imperialist island nation that travelled the seas sucking up all the natural resources it could for consumption back home, colonizing indigenous cultures, spreading the joys of 'proper' and 'civilized'. You just don't hear people throwing open their shutters and screaming "God save the Queen" anymore (Okay, maybe after a few pints down at the Legion).
Secondly, the 'Columbia' part. Columbia, Colombus, Colombass. The first (arguable) of many explorers to the 'New' world to lay claim to a land that wasn't theirs to claim. Colombus, to whom we owe the misnomer 'Indians.' These explorers brought disease and destruction to entire populations of indigenous cultures. We are still at the beginning stages of cleaning up the mindset and the mess that was introduced in the late fifteenth century.
We are named after an empire with which we share nothing but history and a misguided megalomaniac, with which we share nothing but blame: British Columbia... Ottoman Cortezia... American Bushland...It's time for a change.